路人CL - IT 手記

I may not talk about cutting edge technology but try to bring out issues that may have far-reaching effects and long term significance. Of course, as a link to those truly important IT security alerts!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Internet site access classification - ISP strike back?

Recently there have been concerns about Net Neutrality law in US. One can google and find a lot of blogs and news coverage.

There is obvious business reasons. Big telcos used to control the telecomm networks of phone, fax, IDD, messaging, dedicated data networks.

Not so after Internet boom. To regain grounds to justify their salary (either for businessman and for the economists, 8-)), their chance is to charge for privilage access and content classification for users, and privilege bandwidth and artificial high ranking positions of websites for content providers.

To people who care about spam-filtering, porn-free environment this sounds like fair deal. However, is it Internet anymore?

After 2004 US president election, one can see the power true bloggers and also lobbyists -disguised-as-blog-writers that stir up agenda at both sides of the campaign. Like them or not, one would have to treat the blog comments seriously.

In the case of Net Neutrality, there is no exception, too.


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